Get a Foam Roller Massage after a Workout

TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller 00200

Using a foam roller to get a foam rolling massage will ease the tension in your body and release the pressure that you feel.

Advantages of a Foam Rolling massage

You should follow a healthcare program appropriate for your lifestyle. Research has shown that your health improves when you have a balanced diet, exercise regularly, massage your muscles and keep your mind healthy by continuously learning.

Good for the Mind, Body, and Soul

  • We all have what’s called a fascia that surrounds the muscles. Whenever you feel knots in your muscles, those knots are in your fascia.
  • After a good workout you may feel some adhesions in your fascia that could limit your mobility. Foam rolling will help relieve those adhesions and ease the muscle tension that you feel.
  • TriggerPoint Foam rollers have great reviews. You should consider using the TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller for a great foam rolling experience. Regular use of the GRID can provide benefits such as recovery from (or preventing) injuries, decreased muscle and joing pain, increased circulation and flexibility, improved balance and mobility and preparing the body for peak performance.
  • Physical Therapists recommend that you use foam rollers regularly. Foam rolling regularly helps in preventing injury, decrease soreness, and will make for a more effective workout.

Every time you exercise you give your body a good workout which in turn can leave your muscles sore and with some body pain. You can end up with some deep muscle aches.


Using a quality foam roller is a great way to relieve the aches and pains you get after a good workout. Plus, it will improve your physical well-being and leave you refreshed. Foam rolling can also relieve the pain you get between your shoulder blades after you’ve sat at a desk for too long!

Sometimes we don’t know how to best treat our muscles and bones because we’re not sure exactly what is causing the aches and pains. For starters, you should consider examining your fascia. It is similar to the bag you lug around every day which has compartments in it that keep things sseparated.

Your fascia has a similar function to that bag. It helps to keep your organs and muscles sheathed, which contributes to keeping everything in the right place. Your fascia is affected by everything you do such as walking, climbing stairs, sitting, or lying down. This activity or inactivity can cause your fascia to tighten and create adhesions. These fascial adhesions are also know as “knots”. And these are what massage therapists target when you pay them a visit. Thus, you can use a quality foam roller to also target those knots.

You should give yourself a targeted fascial massage via foam rolling by using your body weight on the foam roller to relieve the tension on your fascia.

Knowing that everyone’s body is different, you should realize that some relief is immediate but long lasting relief comes from knowing your anatomy.

You should gain some understanding of foam rolling and myofascial release. Foam rolling will help you target the areas of fascia in your body that need the most attention. You should learn more about the Anatomy Trains, which will greatly increase your knowledge on myofascial release.

  • You can relieve pain and tension in your hip by foam rolling the front of your shin
  • Relieve migraine pain by working the area under your ear and jaw
  • The spaces under your armpit help open your rotator
  • For those of you that are runners or dancers, using a foam roller will create a deeper range and stretch to your body movement.  It will also improve your posture especially since it relieves pain and discomfort.

Types of Foam Rollers for massage

There are many foam rollers to choose from such as TriggerPoint and others with various sizes, colors, and shapes.  You should determine which works best for specific areas of your body.

Here are some great guidelines for you to follow when starting out on a foam roller selection:

  • Know your pain limits: start with a softer roller until you can handle the discomfort and focus your breathing.  Then take your time and move to a more firmer roller.
  • Body support: get a foam roller that you know supports your body. Small rollers can be especially challenging when you’re just starting out.  TriggerPoint and Gaiam are good ones that have great support.
  • Quality long lasting rollers: choose good brands that will last for years.  We review and offer brands that we consider offer top quality products that last longer that cheaper alternatives.
  • Different sizes for different areas of your body: you should have different sizes and types of massagers to target different parts of your body.  From traditional foam rollers, to myofascial release balls, to a wand style massager.
  • Avoid joints and bones: you should try to avoid certain parts of your body such as joints, bones, neck, and lower back. You can incur great pain and serious injury if you roll in those places.


Foam rolling can be intense but it should not cause sharp pain that you can barely stand. You should stop what you’re doing if you get pain like that and consider making a doctor’s appointment right away.  Like many new things you try, you will get better the more you try it.  So don’t be discouraged!

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